4 Cole’s Kids is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to programs that promote fitness and social interaction in children with special needs.
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JBT Bank will Convert Your Coins
Bring your spare change to the coin counting machine at the JBT Manheim branch (on Lancaster Road next to the Sheetz), and they will donate the entire 5% counting fee to 4 Cole's Kids. If you’re a JBT customer, the counting fee is waived, but you may still elect to...

Coming Soon the O2 Challenge
Check out this great event that speaks to the heart of 4ColesKids. Donate to this great cause or volunteer your time. You can get more info at...
Tough and Kind!
What do you get when you take the biggest and toughest high school lineman in the county and introduce them to a super young man named Teddy! You get an Awesome event that benefits 4ColesKids This years annual Roadgrader's Linemen Challenge, hosted by Manheim Central...
Roadgrader’s Linemen Challenge raises $3500 for 4ColesKids
This years annual Roadgrader's Linemen Challenge, hosted by Manheim Central which designed for offensive and defensive lineman raised $3500 for 4ColesKids. This event consists of several team and individual events that focus on speed, agility, strength, balance and...
Teddy says thanks
Check out our Teddy after the Roadgrader's Linemen Challenge. Teddy is the first person to receive a scholarship from 4ColesKids. We invited Teddy to the Roadgrader's Linemen Challenge to thank these young men for their hard work and generous donations. But Teddy did...